Looking for a way to honor a Veteran this Veteran's day? Bring an unopened toiletry item to be donated to the Denver Veteran's Hospital for Veterans in need.
Books on these fascinating cemeteries:
- Fairmount and Historic Colorado by David Fridtjof Halaas; with an introduction by Robert G. Athearn
- Walk into Historic Colorado David Fridtjof Halaas; illustrations by Clay Schulz
- Denver's Riverside Cemetery: Where History Lies by Annette L. Student; with foreword by Dr. Thomas Noel
As an amateur genealogist, I find cemeteries fascinating. If you also enjoy climbing the family tree, I highly recommend exploring our Western History and Genealogy Department on level 5 of the Central Library. In addition to getting information from local cemeteries like Fairmount and Riverside, the website Find A Grave is another great resource for learning more about ancestors buried farther away.